
You Have Rights As A Worker. I Will Help Protect Them.

Unpaid Time Versus Time Theft

Denis ZilberbergFebruary 1, 2019

Have you ever heard of time theft? Time theft is defined as an employer not completing work in the time that they are getting paid for. For example, when an employee does not get to work on time but gets their friend to clock in for them. Another example is when an employee spends too […]

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You Have A Right To Refuse To Do Dangerous Work (If You Get Fired For This, File A Wrongful Termination Lawsuit)

Denis ZilberbergJanuary 25, 2019

These days, there are so many different types of jobs in California and all across the United States that it is practically impossible to find two individuals with identical job duties. Each job has its own physical requirements. While some workers are expected to sit at a computer for 8 hours straight, others are required […]

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Top 5 Discriminatory Practices In The Workplace

Denis ZilberbergJanuary 19, 2019

There is nothing better than landing the job of your dreams. There is just something about finding a position that allows you to work on your strong skills while honing your weaker characteristics. As a fellow go-getter, finding a job that really gets your mental groove going is so satisfying. But as we all know, […]

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How Far Can A California Employer Go With A Background Check? Requesting Medical and Criminal Records

Denis ZilberbergJanuary 11, 2019

It is no secret that employers in California have access to a wide range of personal information of their employees and job applicants. But how far can an employer go without crossing legal boundaries? Can employers inquire about their prospective employees’ medical records? Our Los Angeles discrimination attorney from The Kaufman Law Firm is going […]

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#METOO Is Not Just For Women

Denis ZilberbergJanuary 5, 2019

When it comes to employment there are so many factors to consider. You have to think about commute time, whether or not salary is comparable to what you need to live, whether you will fit in with the other employers, whether this move will actually take you to the next step or not. The last […]

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When to Expect Final Paychecks, Severance Pay, and Other Benefits After a Layoff in California

Denis ZilberbergDecember 29, 2018

If you have lost your job in a layoff or plant closing, you are most likely worried about not receiving your final paycheck, severance pay, and other benefits. On top of that, the thought of having to find a new job is probably so overwhelming that you want to drop everything and catch a flight […]

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What Salary Increases Should California Employees Expect In January 2019?

Denis ZilberbergDecember 22, 2018

“Salary increase.” Any employee loves to hear these two words. And you may be surprised to learn that exempt employees are about to see their paychecks get bigger starting from January 2019. “Wait, how did I miss that?” you may be wondering. If this news caught you off guard, do not worry. You are not […]

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How Do I Deal With Wrongful Termination?

Denis ZilberbergDecember 15, 2018

Finding a job that we like is really hard. We do what we can to find something interesting and that plays into our strengths so that we can eventually climb up the ladder to an even better job with even better pay. As young adults, we are told that if you just work hard and […]

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‘My Boss Sexually Harassed Me… What Are My Options To Stop Harassment?’

Denis ZilberbergDecember 7, 2018

With all the stories of sexual harassment floating around on the Internet, it may seem frightening to report sexual harassment or find enough strength to confront the harasser in the workplace, especially when the harasser is your boss. With more than 81 percent of American women having been sexually harassed at work at least once […]

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Yes, Even ‘Freelancers’ Between Jobs May Be Eligible For Unemployment Benefits (And Other Surprising Situations In Which You May Qualify)

Denis ZilberbergDecember 1, 2018

Unemployment insurance programs offer a myriad of benefits to eligible workers who have lost a job “through no fault of their own.” Oftentimes, workers in California overlook that safety net, thinking that they are not eligible or, for some reason, do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Eligibility rules, trying to get a consultation from someone […]

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Have You Been Wrongfully

Contact the California Employment Attorney at The Kaufman Law Firm For an Initial Evaluation

Your job is more than just a source of income. It is a major part of your lifestyle. If you have been the victim of wrongful termination, wrongful demotion or any kind of discriminatory business practices, it is time to take action and contact a Ventura employment law attorney that can help. Attorney Matthew A. Kaufman and the team at The Kaufman Law Firm bring experience and a vast arsenal of legal resources to help clients recover the money they deserve.

To learn more, contact our California law office today and schedule an initial evaluation to discuss your case.

Contact us to protect your workplace rights