Both federal law and California law prohibit employers from engaging in retaliation against employees who exercise their legal rights. For example, whistleblower laws allow employees to file complaints or cooperate with investigations when their employers engage in unethical behavior, break the law, overlook safety regulations, etc. An employer may be guilty of retaliation if they […]
read moreRemember being called a tattle-tale when in kindergarten? Tattle-tale was a nickname given to someone who told the teacher or some authority if someone else was breaking the rules. Tattle-tales reported on bad behaviour. As adults, we probably use the word snitch more often. In the business world, a whistleblower is a more appropriate word. […]
read moreThe workday, on average, is about 8-9 hours. Some people work longer hours, some shorter. Some work more days a week than others, but all in all, we are doing our best at jobs that we, hopefully, love. Every day we wake up and we move from the comfort of our home to the pace […]
read moreNewsweek was once a respected, widely-read US publication, with around 3.3 million copies selling each week at its peak, but has been in decline since around 2010. The popularity of the magazine may be unlikely to increase in the near future, as details emerge about the dismissal of senior staff who had been investigating the […]
read moreFollowing a loss of confidence in Lewis D’Vorkin, due to several claims of retaliation and other workplace concerns, Jim Kirk has been named as the new editor-in-chief of the L.A. Times. Apparently, D’Vorkin had alienated a large proportion of the newsroom due to a desire to implement an unpaid contributions policy, as well as generally […]
read moreAccording to federal and state law in California, it can. When your employer says, “You’re fired!” it feels like your life can’t possibly get any worse. You take a few weeks off to Netflix-and-chill at home as you go through the stages of grief for losing your job. But then you finally come to grips […]
read moreYour job is more than just a source of income. It is a major part of your lifestyle. If you have been the victim of wrongful termination, wrongful demotion or any kind of discriminatory business practices, it is time to take action and contact a Ventura employment law attorney that can help. Attorney Matthew A. Kaufman and the team at The Kaufman Law Firm bring experience and a vast arsenal of legal resources to help clients recover the money they deserve.
To learn more, contact our California law office today and schedule an initial evaluation to discuss your case.