We Need To Talk About Google

You Have Rights As A Worker. I Will Help Protect Them.
Denis ZilberbergNovember 9, 2018Sexual Harassment

Google is one of the largest companies in the world, which is why it made headlines when it announced last week that, over the last two years, as many as 48 people have been fired from the company over sexual harassment allegations. Chief Executive Sundar Pichai says that 13 of those individuals were senior managers and above.

“None of these individuals received an exit package,” says Pichai.

But is that true?

The New York Times reported recently that Google Paid Andy Ruben, the man who created the Android mobile operating system, $90 million after he left the company in 2014 over an allegation of sexual misconduct.

At The Kaufman Law Firm, we know this – the culture of sexual harassment in the workplace is still rampant and everything should be done to stop it.

Do you need a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney? If so, contact us today so we can work on getting you the compensation you deserve.

What Happens?

Thanks to the “Me Too” movement, the public is becoming much more aware of the dark side of workplace sexual harassment. It has shown us that the problem is much worse than people thought and that it is time to do something about it.

Sexual harassment is not something that simply ruins a person’s day. It is much more than a simple remark that can be laughed off. Sexual harassment can deeply harm a person, both physically and emotionally.

It can include:

  • Remarks about clothing
  • Repeated attempts to ask someone out after being told no
  • A supervisor asking for sexual favors
  • Unwanted touching, kissing, or brushing up against

Sexual harassment even shows up in company dress code policies where women are required to wear more revealing clothing.

And yes, men can be sexually harassed as well. The harassment can come from women or other men. We are just now beginning to realize how members of the LGBTQ community experience sexual harassment in the workplace.

Regardless of what form of sexual harassment a person faces, they are often not able to leave their jobs. Unlike what we see on TV, where celebrities can simply move on, most people who experience workplace harassment make much less money and depend on their income to support themselves and their families.

What You Can Do

We know that workplace harassment of any kind is difficult to handle. Sexual harassment is particularly traumatizing. While the “Me Too” movement sweeps across the country, we know that the public cases are only the tip of the iceberg. On TV, we usually only see the celebrities who have been affected. But what about the people who do not have such a large platform?

We know that sexual harassment reaches all areas of a company. When you need a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney, contact The Kaufman Law Firm by clicking here or calling us at 310-981-3404. We will make sure you are treated fairly and receive the compensation you deserve.


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