How Frequent Should Paychecks Be In California?

You Have Rights As A Worker. I Will Help Protect Them.
Denis ZilberbergSeptember 15, 2015Wage & Hour Law

Throughout California, workers receive vastly different wages and not always for doing different levels of work. Sometimes it comes down to the fairness of your employer or the success of their enterprise. However, there are laws in place dictating the minimum wages they are expected to pay, so if you are under this threshold, it is time to stand up and fight for your right to fair pay.

Something else not everyone realizes is that they are entitled to a certain frequency of payment. This means your employer is not allowed to keep putting off paying you. The precise rules vary from state to state, but most states rule that you should be paid at least monthly, or more commonly twice per month.

In California, for example, as this article on wage laws mentions, the state requirement is that paychecks are sent out semimonthly or bi-weekly. It is permissible for your employer to pay you more frequently, but not less. As such, if you are not receiving payments as often as you should be, do not be afraid to raise the matter with your employer. If he or she refuses to resolve the issue, you might want to take legal action.

Of course, all this can seem a bit daunting, especially if you are worried about losing your job or dealing with financial concerns brought about by your unfair wages. However, you do not need to handle it alone as an attorney may be able to help you. He or she can weigh up the details of your scenario and might also be able to assist you with filing your claim and pursuing the justice and fair payment that you deserve.


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