
You Have Rights As A Worker. I Will Help Protect Them.

Is Your Employer Discriminating Against You Due To A Disability?

Denis ZilberbergMay 4, 2017

Living with a disability is difficult. Basic tasks like dressing or commuting to work can be much harder. That doesn’t mean that you are any less qualified for your job than non-disabled co-workers. All too often, however, employers choose to discriminate against workers who have disabilities. This discrimination can take many forms. In some cases, […]

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Workplace Breaks Explained

Denis ZilberbergMay 4, 2017

If you are an employee in California, it can be difficult to know what the law says about when and how often you can take breaks from work. Some employers may give you exact guidelines, but others may not. No matter how much information you are given from your boss, it can be a good […]

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Can I Be Fired For Refusing A Drug Test?

Denis ZilberbergApril 27, 2017

If your employer at a private company in California tells you that you must take a drug test, you may wonder if state law allows it. Unfortunately, the answer to that is not necessarily simple. According to the State of California’s Employment Development Department, there are instances where you could be terminated because of your […]

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Wage Transparency: Know Your Rights

Denis ZilberbergApril 20, 2017

Although women have made many strides in business in decades past, NBC News reports that in California, women on average make 89 cents for every dollar a man earns in the same job. This discrepancy is the lowest in the nation, but that does not make it fair to pay a woman less than a […]

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When Are Sexual Remarks Against The Law?

Denis ZilberbergApril 8, 2017

Each day, hard-working people endure various forms of abuse in the workplace. While some are subjected to wage violations or wrongful termination, others experience sexual harassment that leaves them devastated. Whether you work in Los Angeles, California, or another part of the country, it is essential to recognize your rights and address any occurrences of […]

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What Are The Child Labor Laws For The Entertainment Industry?

Denis ZilberbergMarch 29, 2017

California is known for being the film capital of the United States. As such, there is a special need for laws and regulations for the entertainment industry, specifically those pertaining to child labor. It is up to the state to create laws that will ensure the safety and well-being of children who are working in […]

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Contract Employees And Termination

Denis ZilberbergMarch 23, 2017

Termination for any or no reason is often acceptable under the at-will doctrine for those who do not have a written or implied contract. However, when an employee in California has an employment agreement, the employer has less discretion in the matter. explains that the contract typically spells out the process that must be […]

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6 Facts To Know About Discrimination During Pregnancy

Denis ZilberbergMarch 22, 2017

Finding out you are pregnant is a joyous experience. You might be ready to start planning what you are going to do. Baby names, the nursery, and your labor and delivery are all things you might think about. At some point, you might realize that you will need to decide how to handle your job. […]

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The Gig Economy Raises New Safety Challenges For Workers

Denis ZilberbergMarch 16, 2017

Between Uber, Lyft, Postmates and countless other apps, more workers are turning to the on-demand or “gig economy” for temporary or even semi-permanent employment. But, as workers and consumers embrace these technologies, new questions arise in regards to worker safety. States across the country are grappling with this issue. At the center of the debate: […]

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Facts About Workers’ Compensation

Denis ZilberbergMarch 16, 2017

Many people in Los Angeles assume that any time they sustain workplace injuries they are entitled to receive workers’ compensation. While that is the basic premises of the law, there are many rules, stipulations and circumstances that can affect a person’s right to obtain benefits, states the Manufacturing Technology Mutual Insurance Company. Not all workplace […]

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Have You Been Wrongfully

Contact the California Employment Attorney at The Kaufman Law Firm For an Initial Evaluation

Your job is more than just a source of income. It is a major part of your lifestyle. If you have been the victim of wrongful termination, wrongful demotion or any kind of discriminatory business practices, it is time to take action and contact a Ventura employment law attorney that can help. Attorney Matthew A. Kaufman and the team at The Kaufman Law Firm bring experience and a vast arsenal of legal resources to help clients recover the money they deserve.

To learn more, contact our California law office today and schedule an initial evaluation to discuss your case.

Contact us to protect your workplace rights