Alaska Railroad Accident Attorney

Suffering an injury on the job is never easy. It can keep you from returning to work for months on end, sometimes up to a year or more, meaning you will struggle to pay the bills and provide for your family. One of the most dangerous jobs you can have these days is working on the railroad. Railroad employees deal with steam, heat, fire, and heavy equipment the entire time they are at work. An accident can happen without warning that could turn your life upside down in an instant.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in an Alaska Railroad accident, be sure to consult an experienced Alaska railroad accident attorney from The Kaufman Law Firm. Call our office at 818-990-1999 to schedule a consultation with a member of our team today.

Alaska Railroad Accident Injuries

If you are injured in an Alaska Railroad accident, you could wind up suffering one or more of the following injuries, all of which can lead to lengthy recovery periods:

Emergency care following a railroad accident can mean the difference between life and death and prolonged hospital stays or lengthy surgeries. No matter the severity of the accident, be sure to seek medical evaluation to rule out serious injuries or to undergo the proper treatment for your injuries.

Holding Responsible Parties Liable for Railroad Accidents

An Alaska Railroad accident attorney from The Kaufman Law Firm will hold the responsible party liable for the accident that left you injured. We will review the circumstances of the crash and determine if more than one person or entity could be held liable for the crash. Those who can be held liable for such an accident include the following:

Seeking Compensation for Railroad Accident Injuries

The victims of an Alaska Railroad accident can see their lives turned upside down in an instant. Seeking medical care following an accident will make it easier for you to be successful with a personal injury claim. If you decide to file a lawsuit, be sure to do so within a two-year period from the date of the accident that left you injured to meet the California statute of limitations. You can seek compensation for the following when injured in an Alaska Railroad accident:

Are You A Railroad Employee?

Are you a railroader in Alaska? If so, you know how dangerous your line of work is and the harassment and discrimination you could be exposed to each day. The Alaska railroad accident attorneys at The Kaufman Law Firm have represented many railroad accident victims for physical injuries, harassment, and discrimination.

Alaska Railroad Injuries

Working on the railroad in Alaska is one of the most dangerous jobs you can have, even if you are fanatical about safety. There is no guarantee that your co-workers will be safe or that the equipment you use will not break, causing you to suffer a serious injury. Some of the injuries our railroad accident attorneys have seen over the years include the following:

This list is not exhaustive, which is why you should have any injury treated immediately and then speak to an experienced Alaska railroad accident attorney from The Kaufman Law Firm.

Harassment On The Alaska Railroad

Harassment is a serious problem in workplaces across the country and the Alaska Railroad is not immune. You do not deserve to be subjected to harassment from your superior, your co-workers, or anyone else you come in contact with while on the job. Examples of railroad harassment include the following:

Disrimination On The Alaska Railroad

Discrimination in places of employment is prohibited at the state and federal levels. Your employer cannot discriminate against you in any of the following areas of employment regarding the hiring and firing of employees, determining job placement, settling on pay, layoffs, promoting employees, providing benefits and training, and any other employment conditions.

No one should fear the loss of employment if they decide to file a report after suffering an injury on the job for the Alaska railroad. Call an experienced Alaska railroad accident attorney at The Kaufman Law Firm today.

Schedule an Alaska Railroad Accident Consultation Today

When an accident on the job keeps you from working for an extended period, you could be eligible for compensation if the accident was caused by the negligence of someone else. Call an Alaska railroad accident attorney from The Kaufman Law Firm at 818-990-1999, or complete the contact form on our website to schedule a consultation today.

Have You Been Wrongfully

Contact the California Employment Attorney at The Kaufman Law Firm For an Initial Evaluation

Your job is more than just a source of income. It is a major part of your lifestyle. If you have been the victim of wrongful termination, wrongful demotion or any kind of discriminatory business practices, it is time to take action and contact a Ventura employment law attorney that can help. Attorney Matthew A. Kaufman and the team at The Kaufman Law Firm bring experience and a vast arsenal of legal resources to help clients recover the money they deserve.

To learn more, contact our California law office today and schedule an initial evaluation to discuss your case.

Contact us to protect your workplace rights