What Is The Age Discrimination Employee Act?

As an older resident of Los Angeles, you may be concerned about your viability in the workplace as you continue to age. Jobs can be more difficult to come by the older you are, after all. However, there are protections in place to ensure that you have a fair shot at employment just like anyone else.

One of these protections is called the Age Discrimination Employee Act, known as ADEA, which protects anyone over 40. This means if you’re over 40, you are protected from discrimination in the following areas:

  • Benefits
  • Training and job assignment
  • Firing or layoffs
  • Benefits and compensation
  • Hiring

This act ensures that employers must give you a fair chance without taking your age into consideration and allowing it to hamper their potential decisions, giving you a fairer shot at landing the job you want, getting promotions, or avoiding being fired for age-related reasons.

Additionally, ADEA prevents employers from even adding age preferences or specifications to calls for employment. Limitations are also disallowed. However, you should be aware of the fact that there are some instances in which age requirements are necessary as a bona fide occupational qualification or BFOQ. These instances are rare, though, and should not be a hurdle in an average job hunt.

Taking some of the stress out of job hunting at an older age can be beneficial to you. Being aware of your rights as an older individual in the employment system will allow you to face any potential cases of discrimination as informed as possible.

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