
State Of California Intervenes In Gender Discrimination Case

Last year, the developer behind the popular game “League of Legends” reached a preliminary settlement with former female employees who filed a gender discrimination lawsuit last year. The company, Riot Games, allegedly agreed to pay them $10 million. However, the state of California did not see this as a fair settlement and is stepping into the fight. The Los Angeles discrimination attorneys at the Kaufman Law Firm want to discuss this case. We are here to help anybody who has experienced unlawful discrimination in the workplace. 

What Happened With The Riot Games Case?

In November 2018, two women who worked at Riot Games, a wildly popular gaming studio in LA, filed a lawsuit over violations of the California Equal Pay Act. The women alleged they were routinely subjected to sexual harassment. They also say that they were denied promotions for speaking out against the harassment, which equates to illegal retaliation. 

The case resulted in significant press exposure, which revealed a “culture of sexism” within Riot Games. After a lengthy court battle, the company reached a preliminary settlement of $10 million. They also agreed to, what the company says, were dozens of meaningful initiatives and changes to their policies. 

However, the state of California is now intervening in the class action settlement. The state alleges that the monetary figure is far less than what the women deserve and that the non-monetary terms of the settlement were inadequate. A state agency wrote that “no enforceable changes to employment policies, at a company alleged to be rife with sexism, are part of the settlement.”

Riot Games has fired back, and says that “We are particularly dismayed that the filing downplays and ignores the efforts we have made with respect to diversity, inclusion, and culture over the past 18 months.”

They have said that no mistakes were made during the process of reaching the settlement and that it should be approved by the court. 

Gender Discrimination Is Illegal

The #MeToo movement has put a spotlight on gender discrimination in the workplace. While the media has largely focused on instances of sexual harassment and abuse, there are many other ways in which gender discrimination occur. This often shows up with unequal pay, and studies have shown that women in equal positions with the same responsibilities as male counterparts make only $0.80 on the dollar compared to the male worker. Other areas in which this discrimination occurs include:

  • promotions and job positions
  • pregnancy discrimination
  • hiring and firing decisions

Our Team Is Ready To Help You Through This

If you or somebody you care about has faced gender discrimination at work, please speak with an attorney as soon as possible. What you have experienced could be illegal, and you may be entitled to compensation. At the Kaufman Law Firm, our team will investigate your case in order to secure any compensation you deserve, which can include:

  • Recovery of lost wages
  • Reinstatement to your job (if necessary and desired)
  • Court costs and legal fees
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the employer

When you need a Los Angeles gender discrimination attorney, you can contact us for a consultation by clicking here or calling us at 310-981-3404.

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