Categories: Sexual Harassment

Your Employer Should Protect You From Harassment

Experiencing any form of mistreatment at work is unpleasant and distressing. Beyond that, it is also unacceptable. No matter your line of work, you deserve to be fairly treated by your employer and colleagues. Sadly, many workers in California face discrimination and harassment every day. However, fearing for the security of their jobs, many also do not stand up to those harassing them.

It can be hard to know where to turn when faced with such a situation. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many organizations dedicated to helping people through their experiences of harassment. Furthermore, your employer may be legally obliged to deal with issues of harassment if he or she is made aware of them.

As your employer has the power to overrule or discipline other employees who may be causing you problems, if they choose to ignore the situation after you have reported it, they may become liable. This means that if you choose to take legal action against those involved, you could choose to file against your employer as well.

It can seem like a daunting process to initiate, but it can be more than worth it. Our page on workplace harassment has more detailed information on the options available to you. An attorney might also be able to assist you if you decide to pursue compensation or you need to fight to retain your job. Harassment is unacceptable, but by taking legal action, you may be able to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for what they have done.

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